
Does Delta 8 Expire?

Does Delta 8 Expire?

If you’re experienced with high-THC cannabis, you know that fresh cannabis flower degrades rapidly, and that strength might fade with time. This may have you wondering does Delta 8 expire. Is there any way to keep it fresher for longer? 

Because of the THC level and the presence of other cannabinoids and terpenes, some experts believe Delta 8 THC has a longer shelf life than Delta 9. 

But Delta 8’s potency can deteriorate over time if not stored properly, but no ‘expiration date’ indicates when it is hazardous to consume Delta 8. Depending on the product and proper storage, it often lasts up to two years. However, while old cannabis is not toxic, it is less potent than new cannabis. 

Let’s now understand the typical shelf life of Delta 8 products and how you can keep your Delta 8 stay fresh. 

same way of storing cannabis in car's glove box

Source: Pexels 

What Is The Expiration Date Of Delta 8 THC Products? 

Different products have varying expiration dates due to their chemical structure and the presence of other compounds. Let’s look at the shelf life of Delta 8 concerning various products- 

Delta 8 Flower

Delta 8 flower technically becomes stale rather than rotten. It is because marijuana leaves maintain some moisture while new. Still, if left out in the open air for an extended time, they can become stale and lose potency, damaging the smoking experience. Moreover, aged cannabis plant may also lose strength, making the Delta 8 less powerful than fresh or new buds as they lose effectiveness. 

This means dried buds of Delta 8 may last up to one or two months. They eventually expire, making them improper for consumption.  

Delta 8 Edibles 

Delta 8 edibles like gummies, cookies, and brownies have longer shelf life than flowers. They last for a more extended period, approximately three to six months, from their manufacturing date. They contain food-based ingredients that remain fresh for quite some time. 

desired effects from Delta 8 for longer period

Source: Pexels

Delta 8 Vape Cartridges

A vape cartridge has a long shelf life of about six to eight months. However, disposables expire in just three months. Moreover, the degraded form of Delta 8 cartridges is unsafe to use. Thus, get rid of the expired Delta cartridge for the best interest of every vaping enthusiast. 

Delta 8 Tinctures 

Delta 8 tinctures have the most extended shelf life. It lasts for more than a year if properly stored. Tinctures are the concentrated form of Delta 8, including other compounds like alcohol, sparkling water, etc. Their shelf life remains the longest because the manufacturing process involves filtration and distillation at high temperatures. This is why Delta 8 THC tinctures remain fresh for an extended time.

How To Know When Your Delta 8 Has Expired? 

If you haven’t always stored Delta-8 correctly or have some Delta-8 goods that have been sitting unused for a while, you might be wondering if they’re still good. Here’s how you can detect whether your Delta-8 items are deteriorating:

Pay Close Attention To Its Color

Over time, oxidation can create discoloration. For example, vape oil may darken, and flowers appear drab or pale.

Recheck Its Smell

The stench gets worse as the THC concentration of the substance degrades. If you can’t detect any “cannabis” aroma, the terpenes in the product have most likely deteriorated. If an edible or other product smells rancid, it most likely is.

airtight container for longest shelf life of Delta 8

Source: Pexels 

How To Store Delta 8 To Extend The Shelf Life?

Delta 8 products require proper storage to go the extra mile. To begin, they must be kept in airtight containers. An airtight glass or mason jar container is ideal for this because they have tight lids and are plastic-free. Furthermore, sealed container bags are also practical to store cannabis material.

Another thing to remember is that Delta 8 products require ideal environmental factors. For instance, experts recommend it be stored in a dark place, away from direct sunlight. It is because direct light may impact the active compounds of Delta 8. 

Thus, it is best to properly store your products in a dark area and a dry place, for example- a cool place like a kitchen cupboard. 

Wrapping Up

When acquiring Delta 8, seeking excellent plants that have been appropriately cured and preserved is critical. Low-quality products frequently have mold or mildew, which causes them to decay fast and reduces their usefulness.

Moreover, products that are uniform in shape and color, with no evidence of wilting or discoloration, are ideal. It’s also a good idea to check the container for expiration dates which would answer correctly if you are searching for “how long do Delta 9 edibles last,” thereby indicating how long the product will be effective.