
Can Nurses Smoke Delta 8?

Can Nurses Smoke Delta 8?

The use of marijuana, CBD, and cannabis products are legal in many states around the United States for both recreational and medical purposes. But can nurses smoke Delta 8? There are some concerns that doctors, nurses, and other mental health care professionals should be aware of before they smoke weed, Delta 8, CBD oil, or other THC products.

Even with a medical card and a positive federal law in places like California, Colorado, and Washington, licensed healthcare workers are subject to more stringent marijuana use rules than the general public. This means that even more strict state laws apply to them due to their profession. 

Are Nurses Allowed To Smoke Delta 8? 

The nursing board allows Delta 8 use in the legal states. This means nurses use Delta 8 to smoke as long as- 

  • When treating patients, the nurse is not impaired
  • They follow their employer’s drug testing rules
  • They do not work for the federal government
  • They do not violate DUI or other drug criminal laws

using medical marijuana and Delta 8 THC

Source: Pexels 

Why Does The Board Of Nursing Not Permit Smoking Delta 8?

The main concern for nurses is that most employers prohibit using Delta 8 THC, even when it is legal under every state law. Even though its use is permitted in a state, employers have the right to maintain a drug-free workplace for occupations requiring safety. 

They can fire nurses who use Delta 8 and fail a drug test, even if they have a medical card. Additionally, each firm creates a drug-free workplace policy, and nurses should check with HR to understand them better. Moreover, employers have the right to request a pre-employment RN drug screening as a condition of hiring.

failed drug test of medical cannabis

Source: Pexels 

Summing Up

Thus, nurses can not smoke Delta 8 THC during working hours or at their workplace. The US Department holds safety-sensitive positions toward health care providers regardless of permitting state laws. This is why the general marijuana laws do not allow nurses to smoke naturally occurring cannabis compounds such as Delta 8 THC

Furthermore, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other government organizations have the authority to terminate nurses who use Delta 8 THC at workplaces or if they test positive for drug tests like blood or urine drug test.

Lastly, healthcare practitioners like doctors, nurses also search, “Can I bring a delta 8 pen on a plane,”it is allowed as long as they do not have professional priorities at hand. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can doctors smoke Delta 8 THC?

Doctors can smoke Delta 8 in legal places like California and Colorado if they do not practice medicine while intoxicated and adhere to their employers’ drug screen regulations. 

Are drug tests required in nursing and medical schools?

Most nursing and medical school programs include drug testing during the admissions process. The obligation derives from the fact that schools must adhere to healthcare organizations’ laws, regulations, and certification standards.

How long does Delta 8 stay in one’s system?

Delta 8 may stay for a few days to weeks. This all depends on the dosage, tolerance, and quality of one’s chosen product. This means healthcare providers like nurses should stop Delta 8 THC usage 10-15 days before a drug test. This would ensure positive tests results.